• 最新消息
  • 拓云国际网路专业的主机代管及网路服务,提供了二十四小时专业工程师技术支援,完善的机房设备提供双备援冷气空调服务、气体消防设备、双备援不断电支援(UPS)系統及隨時待命的發電機系統,以及多重(元)網路連線,還有安全監視器進行全年無休的監控與維護,讓您省卻機房建置、維護及專線費用,並有365天7*24小時技術支援服務。

  • 2016/03/15 HiNet maintenance -1_2016-03-09 17:05:05
  • HiNet Itabashi board a part of the engine room equipment maintenance work
    All dates: 2016-03-15
    Time: 04:00 ~ 08:00
    Range: Itabashi vicinity HiNet light generation system and the non-fixed ADSL users
    Note: To enhance the quality of network services, Itabashi HiNet room will be 105 years March 15 morning from 04:00 to 08:00 of the engine room equipment maintenance, will be interrupted Taipei HiNet non-fixed system part of the user Internet access for about 15 minutes, Please continue to use the Internet service after construction, causing your distress, please forgive me.